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About Conferences

The idea for establishing an international gathering of the academic community where scholars can discuss current archaeological topics on Mediaeval Archaeology came from researchers from the Institute of Archeology dealing with the Middle Ages (see Organizational Committee).

Although based on knowledge yielded mostly by archaeological research the topics of the conferences exceeds the basic framework of the archaeological discipline. And the conferences are conceived as a multidisciplinary encounter of different ideas, approaches, methods, results and interpretations.

Furthermore, the topics of the conferences are open to wider archaeological and historical periods, not only the Middle Ages.


More about – Mediaeval Archaeology

We are interested in how different developmental processes took place before the Middle Ages (prehistory, antiquity), which inevitably affected the human life in the Middle Ages, and how different phenomena of the medieval time influenced the human life in the modern period also.

This series of conferences is organized by the four InstituteĀ“s researchers-medievalists. Each year, the theme of the conference covers the specific issues of medieval archeology. More about the history of the conference

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